Jecyhm Bible et Vie

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JBV Presentation

JBV Presentation

Dear Sir / Madam.

JBV, Jecyhm Bible et Vie, is an NGO to encourage economic development of non developed people. We are also an humanitarian organization based to help the poorest to grow and to protect them from catastrophic conditions. Moreover, we are helping youth in their behavior and to prepare better futures in the perspective to assure developmental continuity of their area.

We are looking for partnership from you to help this NGO succeed in its excellent projects. Actually we plan to serve as a humanitarian NGO in Haiti, which is a catastrophic situation because of the bad governance and the criminal gangs. The terrorists kill, destroy, burn, steal and terrorize all this country. Haitians in Haiti need to be supported in their daily life. We need to bring to them shelter, food, work, health aid, and participate in distribution other big organizations are doing in favor of this land. Please share with Jecyhm part of those needs in our humanitarian journey in favor of Haiti. We count on you in this year of 2024. We already have some offices in Hayti waiting for execution. 

Developmental partnership

Mostly, we need partnership in agriculture and in transformation industries from our crops. JBV is looking for partner in providing industrial machine to sell or to be made in Haiti. And we need help to execute projects of development of other kinds.

In fact, Jecyhm has the big command to provide support for people affected by poverty and to help organized groups in those areas to build projects for developing their communities. Then they will build good life condition. As we are interested in human rights, for us, as for the natural law, everyone has the right to have better life.

Executive summary

The purpose of this NGO exist more then 20 years already in the plan of the creator, the pastor Guéby Jean Pierre. However it is just in 2020 he started to make real the projects.

The organization was recognized in the USA in August 2022 and has a 501c3 to benefit from savings granted by the American government to avoid paying certain taxes.

He names the project of NGO of development. His first idea was to consider poor people as in Haiti. They can be developing if churches in that country are organized to do so. 

His plan is to create projects of enterprise creations. Jecyhm Bible et Vie has the first command as supervisor over the controllers of the partner enterprises we are going to build projects with. Those will be building enterprises of all types, mostly agriculture to be transformed into other products.

Plan of Productions and Services

In the big plan (JBV Presentation) of the organization, we consider churches as organized groups, and they are a lot in Haiti. JBV can start with them. It is true, according to JBV Presentation, we purpose ourseft to build development, but development must a process depending the area we are planning for. In the case of Hayti, (Haiti), we count the difficulties encountered.

One of our problems:

  1. Is the politique in Hayti. The live almost in corruption and destruction of the country. Almost anyone in the power in the pass 60 years, or more, did not respect justice, equity, wells of the state. 
  2. the members of the government steal and grabe what is not theirs, and they sell their faith, justice, wells of the country to other governments which want to control the goods of Haiti.
  3. In the past 15 years, the presidents and the chambers members build gangs of theorisms to kill life and goods in Haiti. 
  4. Actually in April 2024 and before, Haiti is facing this destruction of the government and gang members.
  5. And politician of the oppositions encourage demonstration with violence to destroy who they think steal the country in corruptive contracts of business with the government. 
  6. In Haiti, people in politic mostly  use vodou and magic to be in power. Vodou, in that land, is a power of non progress.
  7. They will not allow the necessary infrastructure to seat JBV Presentation plan.

Plan of JBV presentation and Productions

Then, Jecyhm Bible et Vie wants to overcome the bad political governance they have in Haiti. Even governments allow violence by gangs against the country and population, JBV is planning for peace and security in this Haiti first. This is why, we have a plan for security promotion and peace by educating the population about good behavior and the word and power of Jesus. We will look for behavior changed by calling everyone to join us in our plan.

Moreover, We hope to promote education: the basic for kids and young and for everyone according to our plan of business. We also (promote to) work in high education in university and research and to take in charge certain economic areas to success in their plan. This, with the Highest (Yahweh) help!

Then, Pastor Gueby Jean Pierre visualized the power of this NGO is to promote wealth in good condition for the poorest groups first. As Pastor Gueby is a christian theologian  with economic vision we count to start with the groups in churches. Churches can help the population to find work and create jobs. From jobs to jobs, the country will be finally developed. For that, and for general development, Jecyhm Bible et Vie (NGO) is created. And the project needs help from everywhere to success.

Market of Touch

And the NGO sees in youth the base for continuing the program and wants his preparation by education and protection. That means, youth has a special  part inside the JBV. Also, as humanitarian organization, we will be ready to assist people in need. Life for all. About Haiti, the program of change and success we have is already in the expectation of most of Haitians. JBV want to lead everyone after him to conduct Hayti throw this freedom and good life of this country and everything we will work for in any place in the world.

The plan for success is to continue to expose the humanitarian projects of JBV in all media. We will pull every good leader to us to help success in the areas we will be working in. We do not have an economic base. It is why we want help from everyone and every nation, as partners. They can help us in our humanitarian programs and to be partners of success. Our collaboration will continue after our success.


Actually JBV needs all the necessary logistic to start building some projects. Only success people can help others to success. This is why we count on you. We also count on your neighbor to support us.

Financial: summarized

All the necessary an NGO needs to function is already done for JBV as part of our economic system. We are waiting for you for more success. Some projects are sending with this letter plan to see how you can participate at this moment as a partner for success. Now, we are 15 heads in JBV Organization.

Presentation of the Actual Directors

      • Pastor Gueby Jean Pierre, Biotech/ Acc./Theol/Adm./ Human Right Consultant /  CEO/President/Secretary. 
      • Mrs. Rose M. Jean Pierre, Treasurer
      • Mrs. Yvette Pierre, Vice-President
      • Plan./Ing. Aubanel Joseph, Chief of Projects.
      • Soc. Mackendy Jeunay, Youth Coordinator
      • Past. Notrice Sileus Utile, Coordinator, (or Ouest Coordinator of Haiti).
      • Norm. / Econ. Past. William Fénélon, Coordinator (Actually Great North Coordinator of Haiti.)
      • Past. Ricardo Isma, Sous-Secrétraire (Under-Secretary)
      • Mrs. Rolda St-Ange Nelson,  Porte Parole (Spokesperson)
      • Pastor Benito Disla,  Délégué Coordinateur 
      • Pastor, Dr. Mng. Monaster Fénélon: Consultant, advisor.
      • Pastor Administrator Jeannes Pierre, as project director of West of Haiti
      • Pastor, Maître Kénold Celicourt, as delegate Coordinator to the North of Haiti
      • Pastor Raoul Delva,  Gatherer delegate at Artibonite
      • Pastor Esdras, Delegate Director of Spiritual Affairs and moral and civic education in Haiti

This is the Presentation of Jecyhm Bible and Life (Jecyhm Bible et Vie) as an evangelical non-profit organization. This organization seeks Yahweh through Jesus Christ of Nazareth and works for the Development of the poorest. Acts of the Apostles did no less in its time. The early Christians pooled their possessions (Acts 2:45) for the growth of all. Our first initiative targets the Republic of Haiti, or Hayti, the country that has Yah, YHWH, Yahweh as Controller and Lord.

Jecyhm Churches in Action is a group of churches grouped together in an organization that works in all kinds to maintain life in good condition. Whether it is spiritual works and evangelization, mission of ecclesial foundation, or Christian culture. It can also be social, economic, educational, community development, scientific or industrialization and job creation work.

This presentation can be found in this directory: Biblical Theology Categories

Beware, almost all of the descriptions here are of types that the Bible itself quoted. However, there are several others that the Bible does not name. They are part of the culture, religion and folklore of nations.